Monday, September 30, 2019

Quality Management Worldwide Total Quality Management Essay

For more than four decades after independence the companies in India enjoyed a protected market with virtually no competition, and some of them even monopolised the market, with customers having little or no choice. As a result complacency set in, and no pressure existed for improvement or change. However, the policy of globalization and liberalization adopted by the Indian Government five years ago, has hrown open new avenues and challenges to companies in India. The new policy has resulted in open doors through which global corporate players have entered the Indian markets, and are threatening the domestic manufacturers and suppliers, using quality as a weapon. This has compelled the managers of local companies to look for those tools and techniques, proven and tested, which would help them to maintain and improve their strategies and positions in the market. One such policy or philosophy that has captured the attention of industry and the business community is TQM. Particularly, in the recent years TQM is even regarded as bsolutely essential for growth, stability, and prosperity. This paper has the main intention of presenting an overview of TQM’s progress in the country, starting from its initiation to its current status. Besides, the paper also describes how the organizational attempts by various agencies enabled the establishment of a TQM culture. Further, these attempts are presented in a chronological order, to appreciate the role played by various agencies, which resulted in growth and propagation of TQM in India. Towards the end, the gaps that still exist and hence the efforts that eed to be channeled are pointed out, so as to result in appropriate guidelines about the work to be done. The author R. Jagadeesh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, S. J. College of Engineering, Mysore, India. Keywords TQM, India, Quality Abstract Total quality management (TQM) has spread its wings in every sphere of the global corporate world and Indian companies are no exception. In this paper, first the growth and spread ofTQM in India is traced from its initiation to current status. Further, the paper has tried to identify the causes for poor quality of products and ervice, and the gaps that exist between the expectations and the outcome after adopting the TQM practices. Later a critical view of the quality scene in India is presented, and finally, based on these observations suitable guidelines and recommendations are made to bridge this gap. It is concluded that there is still a long way to go for Indian companies to receive the stamp of acceptance for their products at international level. Electronic access The current issue and full text archive of this Journal is available at http://www. emerald-library. com are synonymous with high quality products and trust worthiness. However, the post- independent era did not witness any spectacular improvement regarding the quality of goods and services produced in the country. According to Agrawal (1993) due to protected business environment many positive attributes of the Indian industry have been lost and weaknesses have surfaced. These weaknesses based on the study are: lack of trust and credibility in the working system, lack of clarity/seriousness for achieving target, lack of precise observance of rules and norms, low quality of supplies and components, lack of consciousness of time as money, viewing only short term benefits ahead of long term oals, politicalization of labor unions, lack of accountability for actions, lack of management commitment, lack of national quality policy, inadequate economic resources, lack of indigenous technology, inadequate infrastructure, preferring quantity to quality, lack of team spirit, cartel formation, and sellers’ market. Besides, lack of consumerism, Government control on everything, bureaucratic delays, quick profit making attitudes by the companies, all resulted in quality getting a low priority and consequently Indian products were constrained to serve only the domestic market being not able to compete in the international markets. Further, the factors mentioned before, clearly proved to be obstacles in the path to progress, and India in spite of possessing good resources and rich scientific and technical manpower, could not produce world-class products acceptable in the international markets. The TQM movement in India The TQM initiatives were first set by the Confederation of Indian Industries (Cll) in the early 1980s, in its pioneering effort in promoting awareness about quality among Indian industries. The work done by Cll in this direction is well documented in Deccan Herald Advertising Feature (1993) and also in The Standards Engineer (1996). In 1982, quality circles took birth in India, and some of the companies to launch quality circles first were Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore, and Bharat Heavvy Electricals Limited, Trichy. In 1986 the Cll then known as CEI (Confederation of Engineering Industries), invited Professor Ishikawa to India, to address industry people about quality. Later in 1987, a TQM division was set up by the Cll. This division owes its foundation to 21 companies who agreed to support the cause by pooling resources and pledging to start the Journey to TQM. Chief executives of these companies formed the National Committee on Quality, 22 Total quality management in India ? ± perspective and analysis R. Jagadeesh The TQM Magazine Volume 1 1 . Number 5. 1999 . 321? ±327 newsletter on quality. In 1987 and 1988, the Cll invited the Juran Institute to India to conduct three training workshops, and then in 1989 a team from India attended the Deming Seminar in London. Study teams organized by the Cll were taken to Japan and the USA to study quality practices. During 1990, the Cll consolidated and focused on training, and in February 1991, an Indian company with the assistance of the Cll, obtained the first ISO 9000 certification in India. The Cll organized the launch of the National Quality Campaign led by the Prime Minister of India in May 1992. It is around this time, the process of globalization and liberalization was started in the country, bringing a new dimension to the business and industrial sectors. From then on, a new line of thinking in terms of quality, productivity, and competitiveness has begun. Since 1993, the Cll has been organizing The Quality Summit every year. This provides an opportunity for all business leaders, and higher level managers of member and non-member organizations of the Cll to network, learn, and contribute hrough experience sharing, and listening to the experts who gather there. The National Productivity Council (NPC) has set up a TQM and Benchmarking Division in New Delhi, and offers TQM implementation services, which include modular training programs and consultancy services. In 1996, the Government of India announced the setting up of the Quality Council of India, (QCI) with the Industry Ministry bringing in half the seed capital of Rs. 1. 5 crores. The rest of the seed capital will be contributed by the corporate sector. The setting up of a national agency for quality certification is art of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements, under which member countries will not trade in non-certified products two years down the line. The corporate sector too was demanding the setting up of an internationally recognized quality council as it found the certification process from foreign agencies too expensive. Besides, it would save vital foreign exchange for the country. The QCI will be entrusted with monitoring and administering of the National Quality Campaign and will also oversee the effective functioning of the National Information and Enquiry Services. Post-liberalization scene ? ± improvement in quality The economic reforms that started in 1992 have ushered in a new era of progress and prosperity in the country. According to a report published in YoJana (1997), the real gross domestic product (GDP) recorded a growth rate of 6. 8 per cent in agriculture and allied sectors, 7. 0 per cent in industry, and 7. 4 per cent in services. The Eighth Five Year Plan (EFYP) (1992-97) which ended with an average growth rate of 6. 5 per cent per annum, compares well with the target rate of 5. 6 per cent for the EFYP, and actual achievement of 6. 0 per cent in the Seventh Five Year Plan. In fact his is the highest average growth rate achieved in the planning period since 1951. The sectoral average growth rates for the period 1992-97 are: Agriculture and allied sectors ? ± 4. 0 per cent, Industry ? ± 7. 8 per cent and, Services ? ± 9. 2 per cent. Further, exports during 1996-97 registered a growth rate of 4. 1 per cent. Foreign direct inve stment amounted to US $2,696 million during 1996-97. These facts clearly indicate that the economic reforms brought through globalization and liberalization have yielded rich dividends, and hold a lot of promise for the coming years. While all ndividually to improve their product quality, besides overall performance through TQM practices. For example, Gupta and Sagar (1993) describe a case of total quality control in an engineering company through the extensive use of personal computers, and state that the Indian company was able to overcome many quality related problems which included: high rejection levels, slow inspection rates, frequent errors in measurement, inconsistency in interpreting inspection data, time consuming data storage and retrieval, rigid inspection schedules, not responding to changing environment, and quality plans not adjusted to varying batch sizes. The company improved the problem solving capacity through quality circles, and quality database at each stage. Comprehensive information systems enabled the personnel to obtain better guidance leading to improved decision making. Thus the success is attributed to systematic application of TQM. 323 The TQM Magazine volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . 321? ±327 Business Today (1995) in an exclusive coverage on status of quality of India, presents a detailed report on companies which are market leaders and corporate giants. The cases covered include reports on leading Indian companies like Mukand, BPL, Arvind, IFB, ABB, HDFC, Amex, Hidustan Lever, Ranbaxy, Indal, Gujarat AmbuJa, Wsya Bank, Oberoi Hotels, and Thermax. It is emphasized that these companies carved a niche for themselves by focusing on quality in their planning, operations, and marketing strategies. Awareness of quality ? ± a positive change Pati and Reis (1996) state that India is emerging as a leading economy in the new world economic order. The phenomenal increase in India’s export earnings, which rose to IJS$ 26. 2 billion in the 1994-95 fiscal year showed an increase of 18. 27 per cent over its 1993-94 export earnings of IJS$22. 7 billion. This is said to be an indicator of how its products and services are perceived by its global customers. It is further stated that the thrust has been shifted from import substitution to development of an export-oriented economy. Other pertinent observations made are: . Indian businesses are pursuing paths of superior quality and high productivity; . quality conscious consumeris m; . increasing competition; . industries expanding their domestic share and venturing into global markets; . significant rise in the ISO 9000 certified companies. The survey conducted by Pati and Reis (1996) has further revealed many interesting aspects bout quality practices in India. The survey questionnaire has used a five-point Likert interval to capture the strength of perception, where points 1 (very high), 2 (high), 3 (medium), 4 (low), and 5 (very low) indicate the degree of current practice related to quality. The critical success factors contributing to quality and overall average scores (3. 43); . role of quality department/personnel (3. 14); . training (3. 69); . product/service design (2. 91); . supplier quality management (2. 6); process management and operating procedures (2. 74); quality data reporting (2. 72); employee relations (2. 2). It is concluded from the survey that the manufacturing sector in India is well aware of importance of quality, and efforts have been channeled to improve product quality. However, the service sector mostly Government owned and operated, lags behind the manufacturing sector in all aspects that i mply quality. TQM ? ± success stories of Indian companies Many Indian companies are beginning to realize that ‘ ‘customer focus† is an absolute requirement of TQM. Jain (1996), while writing on TQM in India, states that companies are paying closer attention to consumer feedback in order to tailor roducts to meet customer needs and are using a wide variety of methods that include benchmarking with rival products, regular customer meetings, and even engaging market research companies to collect consumer feedback on their product range and after sales service. Two specific cases are worth mentioning. Escorts Limited, an automobile manufacturing company, based on the feedback from customers and dealers, changed the delivery route to ensure safe and quick delivery. Similarly, J. K. Synthetics, based on feed back from customer meetings, focused on standardization of quality parameters, and started after-sales service. This resulted in the sales rise from 220 tonnes in first quarter of 1995 to 632 tonnes in the last quarter of the same year, an impressive growth in the sales by three times the previous value. According to a report published in Business Today (1998), some Indian companies are being guided by Yoshikazu Tsuda, a counselor at JUSE (Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers) in their quest for total quality. Some of these companies are Sona Steering, Jai Bharat Maruti, GKN Invel, Asahi Float Glass, Brakes India, Lucas TVS, India Pistons, and India Piston Rings. Further, as stated in The Economic Times (1998), sixsigma technique, which is considered to be a classic TQM technique, is being practiced by several Indian companies notable among 324 significant achievement by an Indian company due to its practicing TQM principles is reported by Sridharan (1998a). The Indian company Sundaram Fasteners located near Chennai, India, has received the Best of Best Vendors Award consecutively for two years during 1996 and 1997, for its supply of metal radiator caps to General Motors, USA. The award was given to the company for its consistent zero defects rate, 100 percent reliability in delivery schedules, and lowest price. The company is the only supplier to General Motors, USA from India out of its 3,000 supplier companies scattered all over the globe. In an exclusive interview covered by Premchander (1996), the managing director of Asea Brown Boveri Ltd (a partly owned subsidiary of Asea Brown Boveri Limited, Zurich) one of the very successfully operating multi-national companies in India, has stated that the managers have to spend time and resources on TQM. A historical achievement by an Indian company winning the coveted Deming Prize for Overseas Companies, for successful implementation of TQM, is reported by Sridharan (1998b). The Indian company Sundaram Clayton, has successfully turned its people into quality practitioners by the actual deployment of TQM tools, techniques, and systems. 38 ? ± time to market; 22 ? ± corporate credibility. Indian quality scene ? ± a critical view The developments related to Indian companies, concerning quality of products and services, need to be examined on a comparative global scale. This would enable judgement of the progress made in improving quality. A survey made in 1994 in which products and services from 41 countries were ranked by World Competitiveness Report indicates that the quality of Indian products and services is isappointing. According to the summary of results given in Skaria (1995), India’s rank based on different quality parameters is as follows (the rank out of 41 is given followed by the parameter): . 39? ± price to quality; . 38 ? ± practice ofTQM; . 40? ± customer orientation; . 28 ? ± product liability; . 39 ? ± time to innovate; The report clearly suggested that on a global scale, Indian products and services are far from satisfactory, and have a poor image. This is a major cause of worry for the corporate managers particularly for those looking for new markets, and ventures with oreign collaborators. One commonly quoted reason for getting away with low quality in India, is lack of pressure from consumers. Many managers are of the opinion that unless the customers are aware of their right to demand high quality, and insist on companies to invest in quality, they continue to receive poor quality products. While the growth and spread of quality practices are slow in India, TQM has firmly seated itself in other Asiatic countries. In a cover feature on ‘Quality in Asia’ reported in World Executive Digest (1996), it is stated that as Asia grapples with the challenge of lobalization, more and more companies seek ISO 9000 certification and adopt TQM. Companies in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and China are overtly involved in embracing practices of total quality to march ahead in global markets. According to The Economic Intelligence Unit (1996), which surveyed companies in Hong Kong on issues in the region. The growth of TQM across Asia however means that new approaches are being developed in the region. These observations clearly suggest that India has to carefully watch the developments in the Asiatic region, as TQM principles have been successfully applied by several countries improving their utput quality, attracting more foreign investment, and hence capable of restricting India’s share in the global market. What the quality experts say In spite of the hype created by the ISO 9000 bandwagon, which today has more than 1,500 companies certified as such, quality is yet to emerge as a major strength of Indian products. Managers of Indian companies have still a lot to learn and implement in the image building process based on quality. This is perhaps aptly summarized by a statement made by Philip Crosby as reported in The Times of India (1997). While addressing a 325 ews conference at the end of his weeklong visit to India, Crosby has said that complacency is a major problem with the Indian management system. The managers of Indian industries should take this seriously. In an interview published in Business India (1997-98) James Harrington, a leading authority in the field of quality, has stated that India still has four types of companies: those with poor performance, with good performance, with better performance, and with outstanding performance. Harrington remarks that companies with poor performance went bankrupt in other parts of the world, while those with good performance would follow them. But those with better performance will survive and those with outstanding performance would explode into the twentyflrst century. This indicates that India still has scope for bad products, and bad performance, which need to be immediately curbed. It is pointed out by Sukumar (1998) that TQM continues to baffle corporate India, as evident by the different interpretations made by each person in the industry about what is TQM. It was observed during the Sixth Quality Summit organized by the Cll in New Delhi, that TQM means anything and everything depending on the individual’s perspective, politics, and paradigms. During the summit as many as nine different definitions were presented by the speakers about what constitutes TQM. This means people in the corporate sector have no consensus about the concept of TQM and it could be a deterrent in its implementation. In another survey conducted by Arun et al. (1998) with regard to ISO certified companies interesting observations were made about implementing TQM in a company. Out of 17 companies that were surveyed, managers in seven companies said that though they believe in TQM they do not know how to implement it. The survey further revealed that the long term supplier elationship, an essential ingredient for successful implementation of TQM, has not the implementation of TQM were found to be: continued dependence on traditional incentive schemes, numerical targets, performance rating, slogans for improving productivity, and not identifying and providing the right type of training for each and everyone as demanded for every Job. The survey concludes that if all these factors are not mitigated a company may continue as ISO certified but not be recognized as a TQM company. Comments and conclusion The various surveys independently conducted by researchers and business ublications have revealed that awareness on quality of products and services has picked up in India. With quality based competition intensifying, Indian industries and business people are showing keen interest in improving the quality of products through TQM. A number of organizations, private and Government are actively propagating TQM through a variety of training and educational programs. TQM has proved to be a vital ingredient for success, and now has its permanent roots in the mission and vision† of the Indian corporate sector. However, based on common observations the requirements for quality to succeed in India can be summarized as ollows: . a strong consumer movement; . a sincere and committed drive by the corporate sector to keep quality as the main focus; . trict enforcement of standards by the regulatory bodies and authorities; . avoidance of multiple grading of quality in products, like export quality, first grade, seconds, import rejects, etc. ; . setting an example in adhering to high quality performance and output, before pointing to others. While TQM no doubt has enabled the Indian companies to improve the quality of products and services, the international market demands still higher uality levels to give due recogn ition and acceptance.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Abraham Maslow †Hierarchy of Needs Essay

Abraham Maslow is a well-known psychologist for his theory on human motivation, specifically the Hierarchy of needs theory, and for his work with monkeys. Maslow’s theory can also be defined as â€Å"intensity at a task†. This means that greater the motivation, the more constant and intense one will perform s specific task. The basis behind this theory is the knowledge that all behaviour is goal driven, meaning one will do tasks according to what they obtain after the task is complete. Maslow has been a very inspirational figure in personality theories. The Hierarchy of Needs theory has four different levels before one comes to full self-actualizing. These levels are, in order, the psychological needs, safety, love and care and esteem needs. The psychological needs are those one needs to survive, such as food, water, oxygen, shelter and more. Then comes the need for safety and protection for one’s family’ these needs include safe shelter, security, protection from both mental and physical damage, and others. Thirdly is the need for love and care, which is the need for affection, friends and relationships in general. Lastly, the esteem needs. These needs are those that one gets from him or herself. There are two types, low self esteem and a high self esteem. The low self esteem needs include wanting the respect of others, status, fame, recognition and even dominance. The high self-esteem need is to have respect for yourself; this is the higher of the two self-esteems because self-respect is harder to loose than the resp ect of others. See more:  Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Self-actualization is to have all of the needs fulfilled and to be settled with a good job. According to Maslow, a person who is fully self-actualized, have the following character traits. According to his research, e stated that self-actualizers tend to be reality centred, meaning these people can distinguish between what is fake and dishonest from what is real and true. They were problem centred; people treated life’s difficulties as problems demanding solutions, the need for privacy and they were independent of culture and relied on their own experiences and judgments; they were, in the best sense, non conformists. Those who were self-actualized had democratic values; open to ethnic and individual variety, social interest and they enjoyed having intimate personal relationships with a few close friends. Maslow recorded these findings by observing a group of historical figures, which included Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert Einstein and others. In his findings, he also stated that self-actualizers have a pacifist sense of humour, which means they would rather tell jokes about themselves or at the world in general rather than at others. These people accepted people for who they were; they didn’t try to change them to what they thought each person should be like and they prefer being themselves than being pretentious or artificial. With all these high-quality traits, there were some flaws with the self-actualizers studied by Maslow. These flaws were that the subjects that were being tested on suffered from anxiety and guilt. Some of them were absentminded, overly kind and, lastly, they had unexpected moments of ruthlessness and a loss of humour. All of these findings of Maslow have created a basic understanding of what things are necessities to humans and which are not. For example, in the 1960’s, this was most important to those who were looking for meaning and purpose in their lives. This theory helped them look for a path to lead their life to success. Maslow’s theory was also inspirational to Mihalyi Csikeszentmihalyi and Douglas McGregor. Mihalyi Csikeszentmihalyi continued Maslow’s concept of â€Å"flow.† This theory helped Douglas McGregor to make his theory of Theory X and Theory Y by being a building block. Without Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, these two people may not have come up with the idea/theory that they did. It is said that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs follows the life cycle of humans. The first stage, psychological needs is a newborn baby’s needs, safety comes as the baby begins to crawl and walk, the social aspect come in when the baby is a toddler, they seek attention by doing something that no one has seen before and amazes the audience. The fourth need, esteem or ego, comes when humans are teenagers; this means when humans are concerned with respect  and popularity and only some humans go on to self-actualizing. Maslow’s theory being related to the development of human’s helps for humans to realize how his theory really does work and how it intertwines with the development of humans. Another way that Maslow’s was inspirational was, for example, the reason why humans wake up in the morning and what motivates us to do so. Maslow’s theory states that by accomplishing goals, people motivate themselves to do even more. When a person is on the rise of success or promotion or an increase in business profits, they are excited and they motivate themselves to get up in the morning and to do more to get more excitement. Lastly, Maslow’s theory was a great importance to education. His theory applies to education because if the teacher wants to maximize the effectiveness of teaching programs around the schools and individual classrooms, the administrators must consider what the children want first. If the students feel that the workload is extremely heavy, then administration staff and teachers should take this into account and either lower the workload or give longer due dates for the students to finish their work. This gives the students encouragement to do their work as they realize the teacher has taken our problem into consideration and has given us what we asked for. Those teachers who know their students needs use this theory and are successful teachers. Both the administration and student body like these teachers; administration is happy that students are doing their work mostly on time and the student body like the teacher because he/she cooperates and listens to what they have to say. Thus Maslow’s theory has had an impact on the teaching styles of teachers in order to cope with the students. In conclusion, Maslow’s theory is inspirational not only to teachings but also to everyday life. His theory helped everyone in society to realize basic needs of life and to spend their money and time where it is most needed and worry about the luxuries after the necessities are complete. Without this inspirational theory created by Maslow, people around the world may not know what the basic needs of life are. For example, the third world  countries and first world countries would have even less in common than what they do today. At least today they have the same basic needs, maybe without this theory even this would be different. Therefore, Abraham Maslow as an inspirational psychologist who has lead us to the right way of spending money and time. Works Cited Abraham Maslow: Understanding Human Motivation 17 Oct 2003 Boeree, Dr. C. George. Abraham Maslow. 16 Oct 2003 Hoffman, Edward. The Right To Be Human. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1988. House of Essays: Abraham Maslow Nancy Benson, Sharon Crosier, Linda Parker. Maslow’s Motivation Theory And Its Application To Education. 16 Oct. 2003

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Professional Career Action Plan Essay

When I first started out going to school after college I thought that I wanted to be a teacher and so right after high school I started going to school to be an elementary teacher. I quit school because I wanted to move out of my parent’s house and be on my own so I got a full time job. After I moved and got stable I went back to get my early elementary degree. After about a year and a half I got pregnant and had my son and couldn’t go to class in the morning after being up all night with a toddler and then to work so I quit school again until my son got older. My son was able to start school when he was two so I decided to go back to school and get my educational degree. As I was going to school I was also volunteering at my son’s school and that is when I decided I really didn’t want to be a teacher and I was undecided what I wanted to do and I knew I was wasting my money and time going to school so I quit once again. I got a job at a temp agency working for the temp sending people on assignments and after a year the company decided they were going to close the company in my location but my supervisor got me a job at Advanced Radiology Services doing data entry putting in codes in the system. After a few years I realized that I really like being in the health care field and wanted a career in it and I tried to move up doing different jobs in the field but I realized that in order to really move up and eventually become a director I would need a degree so I decided to get my degree in Healthcare Management so I went back to school, this time determined to make it work. My Job in the Health Care sector In the health care sector my career job is to be the Director of the billing department of a health care facility. As a director my job would be to work with a team or staff to establish and maintain the skills which are necessary for the facility. I would need to display a personal commitment and courage and in doing that I will be keeping the staff working as a team. I would be developing as well as improve the performance of myself as well as my staff and I will need to do this through training, coaching and feedback. In order to achieve this I would have to further my education by obtaining a baccalaureate degree in a health related area and have experience in an allied health field. (eHow 2013) I have worked in the health care field for over ten years and have done billing front end and  back end, customer service, demographic edits, payment poster, and issue refunds. I have also trained new and current employees and served as a lead. I also have my schooling that can qualify me for the director position. Although I have all of this I feel I would still need to get certified in and get my dual certificate in CPAT and CCAT and what this is the CPAT is designed for people who work on the hospital side of patient accounting and the CCAT is for people who work on the clinical/physician side. Having this certification will help keep me in pace with the industry and also will allow me to gain recognition by the industry by letting me get the job or a promotion that I would want. (illinoisaaham 2013) I also would need to get a Master’s degree in a health management related field. I feel that I need this degree so I can learn more on being a director and learn more on directing a facility. Achieving my professional Goal The steps that I will need to do in order to achieve my professional goal are to continue to go to school and receive my master’s degree in Master of Health Administration with a Concentration in Sustainability Management. Obtaining this degree I feel will be a benefit for me in my role as Director. I also plan on taking getting my certification in CCAT and CPAT. I also feel that before I can achieve this I will need to be a supervisor and manager for a few years so I can have a better understanding of leadership roles. Being a supervisor is the start of being a manager and then a director those are the steps that I will have to take in order to achieve my goal of being a Director. I am now employed at Spectrum Health Hospital and I feel that I can go far in this organization and eventually be a director for this organization. This organization will help me get the certification that is need because it is something that they off and also will allow me to go to school and furth er my education. If I get the certification and the degree that is required then I will be able to get a job as a director at any health care facility or organization. With the career action plan that I have done I feel this will help keep me grounded and on track with the steps I need to obtain in order to achieve my goal. Completing a goal maybe harder than it seems but if you have steps in place that will help keep you focused you can get through your goal and you will want to achieve higher goals in the process. This is a step by step process  and may not happen overnight but with dedication and hard work you can successfully complete the goal you set out to achieve. References American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management AAHAM Retrieved from CPAT/CCAT Frequently Asked Questions Retrieved from Edwards T, Job Description of a Health Director eHow Retrieved from Setting goals and objectives Retrieved from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Income Protection Insurance Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Income Protection Insurance Assessment - Essay Example Adverse selection is often referred to as hidden information problem in the market, where for instance, sellers may know more about a product than a customer. In the case of Mr. Farid and Prudent Insurance, Mr. Farid faced different probabilities of his insurable event occurring, some at least under his control. Prudent Insurance, therefore, assumed Farid was either a low risk or high risk of the insured event happening. However, it could not individually classify Mr.Farid. Therefore when he fell sick, Prudent Insurance ascertained truth by sending him a claims form. This was in an attempt to solve the problem of adverse selection. I would not approve Mr.Farid’s claim for insurance for income protection. Mr. Farid had a heart valve disorder and this had the potential to present problems in future. It is an element of risk that I could not afford to look as an underwriter. By accepting his application claim, it means Mr.Farid had the motive of using this policy to claim for healthcare expenses. In other words, there was an element of moral hazard. Prudent Insurance should deny the claim. The reason Mr. Farid could not work a year after taking cover was that of his state of poor health. This was due to the heart valve disorder. This disorder was not covered in the policy given to Mr. Farid and thus, he could not claim. Also, the claims form indicates Mr. Farid spent less than an hour on the activities of lifting and carrying heavy items. These two had the biggest risk compared to driving and climbing ladders. Information about Mr.Green’s earlier convictions are important in determining the underwriting decision in that, if it is a restriction by the company, then Mr. Green did not act in good faith to inform the insurance of his past criminal activities. Though he was asked in the application form, he claims to have stated it orally to the broker, a fact the broker denies.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pina bausch-Radical performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Pina bausch-Radical performance - Essay Example There, she also started giving performances simultaneously. She attributes the solid foundation of her formative career to her tenure in New York. On her return to Germany, Bausch started performing in Folkwang Ballet. One of her early independent choreographic achievements was her creation Im Wind der Zeit, In the Wind of Time, which came first at the Second International Choreographic Competition, Cologne. Then onwards, Bausch went on to become director of Wuppertal Opera Ballet that was later rechristened as Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. With this new entity, Bausch started realizing her aspirations of reviving Ausdrucktranz. Unfortunately, the political developments and the spread of Nazism in Germany that culminated in WW2 put Bausch’s theatre movement on indefinite hold. Even after the war, theatre remained out of the wish list of Germans for quite some time, reconstruction of the war-ravaged country obviously taking priority. It was not until the early 1960s that a theatre renaissance started occurring in Germany. The war and its devastation had had a very telling effect on the collective psyche and all the suppression and frustration was waiting to vent itself out in the form of renewed creative energy. In terms of theatre art, this energy surfaced in the form of a liberated, non-conformist free spirit that was not bound by convention. â€Å"Young dancers felt constrained by the formation of German ballet and American post-modern dance, and rebelled against the Americanization of their country. Some returned to the expressionism of Ausdrucktanz and started to venture into new ground, combini ng it with elements of other arts. Towards the late 1970s, the term Tanztheater, or dance theatre began to be used to distinguish the work of these choreographers† (Tashiro, 1999). Foremost among them was the name of Pina Bausch. And thus, a legend started

Hyperglycemia vs. Hypoglycemia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hyperglycemia vs. Hypoglycemia - Essay Example Homeostasis is the survival and preservation of a reasonably stable internal setting, such as body temperature. It is the tendency of an organism to establish stability within its internal environment or fluid matrix; and it is through metabolism that an organism maintains homeostasis (Smith p.792). Metabolism is made up of several processes that maintain the structure and molecular composition of a living organism in quasi-stable state, consisting of two interdependent phases – catabolism and anabolism (Nahle, no page number). Anabolism is the term used to describe the total number of chemical reactions involved in a synthesis; while catabolism happens when cells are also constantly involved in the breakdown of larger molecules. Catabolism has two purposes: 1. It releases the energy for anabolism and other work of the cell, and 2. It serves as a source of raw materials for anabolic processes (Curtis p.166). When there is an absolute or relative deficiency of the action of insulin, a simple protein composed of two peptide chains joined by disulfide bridges, at the surface of or within certain body cells, the metabolic disorder known as diabetes mellitus results, which is an inherited disease. In the absence of insulin, glucose is not changed to glycogen and stored within the liver but accumulates in the blood, simply known as hyperglycemia; and when this accumulated blood escapes into the urine, it is called glycosuria (Smith p.733). Insulin also affects the metabolism of fats and proteins. As the disease progresses, the derangements related to these two foodstuffs becomes clear. The biochemical derangements occasioned by the lack of insulin in a diabetic patient are dramatic ones. There are severe fluid and electrolytic disturbances, acidosis develops and death may occur in diabetic coma. Infection is a hazard for the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Prosecutor report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Prosecutor report - Term Paper Example While wearing masks, the offenders stormed the store. Offender B hit the guard with the butt of his gun in order to knock him down and held hostage two patrons in a small closet. Offender A went to the manager’s office threatened the manager and ordered her to fill their bag with money. In the process, offender A noticed an employee trying to trigger a silent alarm and shot the employees dead. The offenders left the parking lot with offender A driving the vehicle carelessly and at a high speed. A patrolling Montgomery County police officer noticed the carelessly driven car and tried to stop the car, but the offenders tried to escape resulting in a high speed chase. After the chase, the offenders escaped on foot and tried to resist arrest but were overpowered and arrested by the police. Basing on these facts, the two offenders committed multiple offenses that are punishable under the Maryland’s statute codes and the US law in general. Offender A Maryland Criminal Statuto ry Code Criminal Charge Facts relevant to this charge Maximum Criminal Penalty (Felony/ misdemeanor) CL  § 7-105 Motor vehicle theft .The defendant stole a Ford Explorer that he intended to use in robbing a liquor distributor store. The defendant is guilty of a felony and subject to a sentence of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or a fine not exceeding $ 5,000, or both  § 3-403. Robbery with dangerous weapon. ... The defendant is guilty of misdemeanor and liable for a $10,000 fine or imprisonment of up to five years or both.  § 2-201. Murder in the first degree. During robbery, the defendant shot and killed a liquor distributor employee as he was trying to trigger a secret security alarm. The defendant is guilty of a felony and is subject to life imprisonment without a parole, death sentence or life imprisonment.  § 21-901.1. Reckless and negligent driving. The defendant was spotted by a patrolling Montgomery County police officer driving erratically and at a very high speed. The defendant is guilty of misdemeanor involving careless and high speed driving and is subject to a fine of $1000.  § 9-408. Resisting or interfering with arrest. After the robbery and while driving carelessly, the police attempted to stop the car using Sirens and emergency light, but the men evaded the police triggering a speed chase. The defendant ran the car into a guard rail and Fled. After a chase, they physi cally fought with the police officers who tried to arrest them. After the struggle, the men were arrested by the police. The defendant is guilty of misdemeanor for violating this section and should be subjected to a fine not exceeding $5,000,imprisonment that does not exceed 3 years or both imprisonment and fine.  § 7-104. General theft provisions. The defendant together with his compatriot were in possession of a stolen car that they used in robbery, escaped with it and abandoned it after it had rammed into guardrail. Since the truck exceeds $100,000, the defendant is guilty of a felony and is subject to a fine not exceeding $25,000 and imprisonment not exceeding 25 years or both. Offender B Maryland Criminal

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Article review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Article review - Assignment Example As a result, knowledge management is being widely acknowledged for its positive role in the success of organizations. A vast body of research in the past has shown that leadership behaviors and organizational culture serve as hurdles in the creation and leveraging of knowledge. Effective knowledge management depends upon an organization’s social ecology along with IT platforms. This imparts the need for exploring the cultural and human aspects of business and articulating the way leadership styles and organizational culture influence the tendency of an organization to develop and apply knowledge. This article is about investigation of the relationship between behaviors of leadership and the practices of knowledge management. This article particularly tends to study the influence of the behaviors of transformational and transactional styles of leadership on knowledge management as well as the moderating impact that the culture of the Australia based small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) organizations has on this relationship. To achieve this, the authors proposed four hypotheses in total to test. The conceptual model used in the research consisted of four constructs; transformational leadership, transactional leadership, organizational culture, and practices of knowledge management. A questionnaire survey was conducted to empirically examine the four hypotheses. Validity and reliability of the data was checked using pre-tested measures and constructs. The questionnaire consisting of 17 items was given to the participants to realize the frequency of use of the different processes of knowledge management in their organizations. The authors measured the leadership styles and the associated behaviors using 36 item Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. The authors measured the organizational culture using the 36 item Denison’s Organizational Cultural Survey. Although 1000 surveys were mailed to the middle managers of the SMEs in Australia, yet with the res ponse rate being only 15.7 per cent, the sample size was 157. Most of the respondents belonged to the middle and senior management level. Middle managers were 44.9 per cent of the total while senior managers were 32.5 per cent. Line managers accounted for 21.7 per cent of the total. This methodology provided the authors with an opportunity to concisely review the basics of knowledge management related to the research, the relationship between knowledge management and leadership as well as that between leadership and the culture of organization. As a result of the research, it was found that transactional leadership and transformational leadership are both related to the practices of knowledge management positively. It was also found that the behaviors of contingent reward leadership and charismatic leadership greatly impact all dimensions of the practices of knowledge management. An unexpected yet interesting finding of the research was that contingent reward leadership has apparent ly a slightly stronger contribution on all dimensions of the practices of knowledge management compared to the impact of charisma attributed behaviors. Hierarchy and mission organizational culture moderated the relationship between practices of knowledge management and transactional leadership. The most effective behaviors of leadership for the practices of knowledge management were found to be charisma and contingent reward. Development of a successful system of knowledge mana

Monday, September 23, 2019

Apply effective communications techniques in a simulated interaction, Essay

Apply effective communications techniques in a simulated interaction, using appropriate tone and grammar - Essay Example One of the reasons that you are able to motivate the workers is due to your great leadership skills. Leadership can be defined as establishing direction and influencing others to follow that direction (Cliffnotes, 2013). Your leadership abilities have helped guide the company in the right direction. People with great leadership abilities are able to motivate the staff to achieve a higher level of performance that translates in greater productivity at the firm. Despite all your strengths as a manager there are areas in which you can improve in order to become a better leader. I have noticed that you barely ever ask for the input of the employees and that you always seem to want to do a wide variety of work tasks alone. A way for you to become a better leader is by having more confidence in the employees. This can be achieved by delegating responsibilities to the floor employees. The use of delegation increases the job satisfaction of employees because the workers feel that the company believes in their abilities to performed different work

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Chicago-style pizza Essay Example for Free

Chicago-style pizza Essay Yum! Brands, Inc. , based in Louisville, Ky. , is the world’s largest restaurant company in terms of system units with more than 39,000 restaurants in more than 125 countries and territories and 1. 4 million associates. Yum! is ranked #213 on the Fortune 500 List and generated more than $13 billion in revenue in 2012. Our brands KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell – are the global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories. Yum! Brands, Inc. , based in Louisville, Ky., is the world’s largest restaurant company in terms of system units with more than 39,000 restaurants in more than 125 countries and territories and 1. 4 million associates. Yum! is ranked on the Fortune 500 List and generated more than $13 billion in revenue in 2012. Our brands KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell – are the global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories. YUM! VISION STRATEGY Yum! Brands is committed to continuing the success realized during our first ten years. Our success has only just begun as we look forward to the future, one which promises a long runway for growth, especially on an international level. We maintain a consistent commitment to deliver at least 10% EPS growth annually. With nearly 38,000 restaurants in over 120 countries and territories, Yum! Brands international growth sees no signs of stopping as we continue to enter international markets, introducing people around the world to our winning brands. The Yum! system includes four operating segments: U.S. , International (Yum! Restaurants International), China and India Divisions. Outside the United States in 2012, the Yum! system opened approximately five new restaurants each day of the year, making it a leader in international retail development. At Yum! were building a vibrant global business by focusing on four key business strategies: Build leading brands across China in every significant category Drive aggressive international expansion and build strong brands everywhere Dramatically improve U. S.brand positions, consistency and returns Drive industry-leading, long-term shareholder and franchisee value. Results for 2012 once again affirmed our consistent record of success with 13% Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth, which marks the eleventh straight year we delivered at least 13% growth and exceeded our 10% EPS growth target. For the full year 2012, we opened 1,976 new restaurants outside the U. S. Importantly, we achieved Return on Investment Capital (ROIC) of 22%+ and continued to be an industry leader. Were proud of the unique culture weve built, one thats filled with energy, opportunity, and fun. We believe in our people, trust in their positive intentions, encourage ideas from everyone, and have actively developed a workforce that is diverse in style and background. Yum! is a place where anyone can, and does, make a difference. Recognition is an integral part of our culture — we celebrate things big and small. In fact, We love celebrating the achievement of others and have lots of fun doing it! is one of our How We Win Together2 principles and the reason our culture is brimming with positive energy, teamwork, and fun. [pic]We believe that our customers experience will never exceed that of our team members. For that reason, our Dynasty Model starts with our people. We know that people dont just play a role in our success – they are the reason for our success. Our corporate values – what we call our How We Win Together principles – are built around a People Capability First philosophy and lay the groundwork for the way we team together every day. Chairman and CEO David Novak personally models a recognition culture in a light hearted way with his own Yum! Award — a set of chomping dentures with legs given to all those who walk the talk of leadership. All leaders in the company have their own personal recognition awards, which has resulted in such highly prestigious honors as the Big Cheese hat recognition at Pizza Hut, the Warp Speed award at KFC, Sauce Packet at Taco Bell, and the Big Leap Award at Yum! Restaurants International. To the right are a few examples of different Yum! recognition awards and their recipients. YUM! BRANDS RECOGNIZED BY INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE ASSOCIATION FOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION LOUISVILLE, KY, February 28, 2013 – Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), the world’s largest restaurant company with more than 39,000 KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants in over 125 countries has been awarded the International Franchise Association’s Ronald E. Harrison Award for its accomplishments in Diversity and Inclusion. â€Å"We are honored to receive this award and are proud of the progress we have made toward our strategic diversity and inclusion vision to grow leadership, franchisee and supplier pipelines that increasingly reflect our diverse customer and investor base, † said James Fripp, Senior Director of Global Diversity and Inclusion, Yum! Brands, Inc. Yum! Brands’ commitment to diversity is an organizational priority that begins at the top. Chairman and CEO David Novak personally reviews diversity progress throughout the year to identify and accelerate development of next generation talent at every managerial level. More than 50 percent of Yum! ’s U. S. workforce are minorities as well as more than 50 percent of the Companys new hires. Yum! is increasing the representation of African Americans, Hispanics and women among its key talent and growing the pipeline of diversity in its mid-level manager ranks. In addition, all of its brands have leadership initiatives focused on high-potential diverse talent, and all leaders serve as mentors. For the past several years, Yum! Brands has been recognized for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The Company has been named one of FORTUNE magazine’s â€Å"Top 50 Employers for Minorities† and â€Å"Top 50 Employers for Women,† one of BLACK ENTERPRISE’s â€Å"40 Best Companies for Diversity† for seven consecutive years, one of Hispanic Magazine’s â€Å"Corporate 100 Companies Providing Opportunities for Hispanics,† one of Hispanic Enterprise Magazine’s â€Å"Top 50 Corporations for Supplier Diversity,† one of Corporate Responsibility Officer magazine’s â€Å"100 Best Corporate Citizens† and by BusinessWeek as one of the â€Å"Top 15 Companies for In-Kind Corporate Philanthropy. † Yum! ’s strategy for leveraging diversity includes franchising and supplier diversity. Yum! supports minority entrepreneurship through its sponsorship of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, Women Business Enterprise National Council, U. S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce and is a founding member of the International Franchise Association’s Diversity Institute. In addition, the Company has demonstrated its commitment to diversity by refranchising hundreds of restaurants to minority franchisees over the last few years. Yum!’s diversity strategy also includes employment, leadership development and community involvement. More than 25 percent of the Company’s annual corporate giving goes to support predominantly minority communities. Each year, Yum! partners with its multicultural customers through high-impact programs like: KFC Pride 360 °, LULAC and Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA) National Young Professional and Youth and College Programs, creation of the Poder Magazine Hispana Leadership Summit, and a strategic partnership with National Urban League’s Young Professionals, among others. In addition, Yum! is a founding member and supports organizations such as the Women’s Foodservice Forum and the Multicultural Foodservice and Hospitality Alliance in order to help grow diverse, emerging leaders in the restaurant industry. Yum! Brands, Inc. , based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world’s largest restaurant company in terms of system units with more than 39,000 KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants in more than 125 countries and 1. 4 million associates. Yum! is ranked #213 on the FORTUNE 500 list, with revenues of more than $13 billion in 2012. The Company’s restaurant brands KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are the global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories. Outside the United States, the Yum! Brands system opened approximately four new restaurants each day of the year, making it a leader in international retail development. The Company has consistently been recognized for its reward and recognition culture, diversity leadership, community giving and consistent shareholder returns. Pizza Hut, Inc., based in Plano, Texas, is the world’s largest pizza restaurant, specializing in the pizzas you never have to settle for Pan Pizza, Thin ’N Crispy ® Pizza, Hand-Tossed Style Pizza and Stuffed Crust Pizza. [pic] Pizza Hut is an American restaurant chain and international franchise that offers different styles of pizza along withside dishes including salad, pasta, buffalo wings, breadsticks, and garlic bread. Corporately known as Pizza Hut, Inc. , it is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. , the worlds largest restaurant company. [2] As of 2012, there were more than 6,000 Pizza Hut restaurants in the United States, and more than 5,139 store locations in 94 other countries and territories around the world. [3] Main article: History of Pizza Hut Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas. When a friend suggested opening a pizza parlor—then a rarity—they agreed that the idea could prove successful, and they borrowed $600 from their mother to start a business with partner John Bender. Renting a small building at 503 South Bluff in downtown Wichita and purchasing secondhand equipment to make pizzas, the Carneys and Bender opened the first Pizza Hut restaurant; on opening night, they gave pizza away to encourage community interest. A year later, in 1959, Pizza Hut was incorporated in Kansas, and Dick Hassur opened the first franchise unit in Topeka. Pizza Hut is split into several different restaurant formats; the original family-style dine-in locations; store front delivery and carry-out locations; and hybrid locations that offer carry-out, delivery, and dine-in options. Many full-size Pizza Hut locations offer lunch buffet, with all-you-can-eat pizza, salad, bread sticks, and a specialpasta. Additionally, Pizza Hut also has a number of other business concepts that are different from the store type; Pizza Hut Bistro locations are Red Roofs which offer an expanded menu and slightly more upscale options. Pizza Hut Express and The Hut locations are fast food restaurants. They offer a limited menu with many products not found at traditional Pizza Huts. These type of stores are often paired in a colocated location with a sibling brand such as WingStreet, KFC orTaco Bell, and are also found on college campuses, food courts, theme parks, and in stores such as Target and Walmart. Vintage Red Roof locations can be found throughout the United States, and quite a few exist in the UK and Australia, and Mexico. Even so, many such locations offer delivery/carryout service. This building style was common in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The name Red Roof is somewhat anachronistic now, since many locations have brown roofs. Dozens of Red Roofs have closed or been relocated/rebuilt. Many Red Roof branches have beer if not a full bar, music from a jukebox, and sometimes an arcade. In the mid 1980s, the company moved into other successful formats including delivery/carryout and the fast food Express model. The oldest continuously operating Pizza Hut in the world is in Manhattan, Kansas, in a shopping and tavern district known as Aggieville near Kansas State University. [pic] Pizza Hut location in Santa Ana, El Salvador In North America, Pizza Hut sells Stuffed crust pizza, with the outermost edge wrapped around a cylinder of mozzarella cheese; Hand-Tossed, more like traditional pizzeria crusts; Thin N Crispy, a thin, crisp dough which was Pizza Huts original style; Dippin Strips pizza, a pizza cut into small strips that can be dipped into a number of sauces; and The Edge pizza, where the toppings nearly reach to the edge of the pizza. There was also formerly a crust that was not as thick as Pizza Huts pan pizza, and not as thin as its thin crust. This crust was used on the Full House XL pizza and discontinued in 2007. There are regional differences in the products and bases sold. [4] Pizza Hut experiments with new products frequently, with less successful ones being discontinued. These include the initially popular two-foot by one-foot square cut pizza Bigfoot, the 16 Big New Yorker, made with a sweet sauce, the Chicago Dish Pizza and Sicilian pizza, the latter also offered in 2006 as Lasagna Pizza. Other products Pizza Hut has offered are the Pzone, which is Pizza Huts version of the calzone; the Cheesy Bites pizza, similar to the Stuffed Crust pizza except the crust has been divided into 28 bite-sized pieces that can be pulled apart; and the Insider pizza, where a layer of cheese is in between two layers of dough. Another limited time offer was a Double Deep pizza with double the toppings and 50% more cheese, with the crust wrapped over the top to hold in all the toppings. In 1985 Pizza Hut introduced the Priazzo,[5] a two-crusted Italian pie that resembled a deep-dish pizza. Varieties included Priazzo Milano, a blend of Italian sausage, pepperoni, beef, pork fillings, a hint of bacon, mozzarella and cheddar cheese; Priazzo Florentine, a light blend of five cheeses with ham and a touch of spinach, and Priazzo Roma, stuffed with pepperoni, mushrooms, Italian sausage, pork filling, onions, mozzarella and cheddar cheese. The double-crusted pie was topped with a layer of tomato sauce and melted cheese. The Priazzo was introduced by a $15 million advertising campaign, but proved too labor-intensive and was removed from the menu several years later. Depending on the individual restaurant size, Pizza Huts also may offer pasta dinners such as spaghetti and Cavatini – a mixture of Cavatelli (shells), Rotini (spirals), and Rotelle (wheels). [pic] [pic] Pizza Hut Bistro concept location located in Indianapolis, Illinois A new, upscale concept was unveiled in 2004, called Pizza Hut Italian Bistro. Unveiled at fifty locations nationwide, the Bistro is similar to a traditional Pizza Hut, except that new, Italian themed dishes are offered, such as penne pasta, chicken pomodoro, toasted sandwiches and other foods. [6] Instead of black, white, and red, Bistro locations feature a burgundy and tan motif. [7] Pizza Hut Bistros still serve the chains traditional pizzas and sides as well. In some cases, Pizza Hut has replaced a Red Roof location with the new concept. Pizza Hut on May 9, 2008, created and sold in Seattle, Denver, and Dallas, The Natural, featuring organic ingredients. This was discontinued on October 27, 2009 in the Dallas market. [8] It has since launched a nationwide advertising campaign. Also in 2008, Pizza Hut created their biggest pizza ever, the Panormous Pizza. [pic] A small Pizza Hut offering takeaway and delivery only inBramley, Leeds, UK. Pizza Hut introduced stuffed pan pizza on August 23, 2009. Unlike a regular stuffed crust pizza, cheese is not inside the crust, just pressed into the pan crust. Pizza Hut introduced the Big Italy, a pizza that is almost two feet long on August 22, 2010. In 2010, Pizza Hut came under fire when its supplier of palm oil, Sinar Mas, was exposed to be illegally slashing and burning the Paradise Forests of Indonesia to plant palm oil plantations. [9] Due to its previous ownership by PepsiCo, Pizza Hut, as with all Yum! Brands concepts, have a lifetime contract to sell Pepsi products. While Pizza Hut was owned by Pepsi, all three of Pizza Huts major competitorsDominos Pizza, Papa Johns Pizza, and Little Caesarsall sold Coca-Cola products. However, since Pepsis divestment of its restaurantbusiness, both Papa Johns (in 2012)[10] and Little Caesars (in 2007)[11] later switched to Pepsi products themselves. Pizza Hut developed a pizza for use as space food, which was delivered to the International Space Station in 2001. [12] It was vacuum sealed and about 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter to fit in the Stations oven. [12] It was launched on a Soyuz and successfully eaten by Yuri Usachov in orbit. [13] In 2012, Pizza Hut released its own brand of perfume. [14] [edit]Advertising [pic] Long-time/former Pizza Hut logo (1967–1999). Many older locations started with an earlier 1965 logo but were soon upgraded. Some locations still use this logo [pic] Pizza Hut Pepper Salt Pizza Huts very first ad was Putt Putt to the Pizza Hut. It starts with a man apparently ordering take-out and driving his 1965 Mustang JR to Pizza Hut, while some of the townspeople start chasing him. He picks up his pizza and goes to his house, when all of the people who were chasing him start eating all the pizza except the man who ordered it. Frustrated, he calls Pizza Hut again. Until early 2007, Pizza Huts main advertising slogan was Gather round the good stuff, and was Now Youre Eating! from 2008 to 2009. From 2009 to 2012, the advertising slogan was Your Favorites. Your Pizza Hut. The advertising slogan is currently Make it great, an updated version of the original Makin it great slogan that was used from 1987 to 1993. Pizza Hut does not have an official international mascot, but at one time, there were commercials in the United States called The Pizza Head Show. These commercials ran from 1993 to 1997 and were based loosely on the Mr. Bill shorts from Saturday Night Live in the 1970s. The ads featured a slice of pizza with a face made out of toppings called Pizza Head. In the 1970s Pizza Hut used the signature red roof with a jolly man named Pizza Hut Pete. Pete was on the bags, cups, balloons and hand puppets for the kids. In Australia during the Mid to late 1990s, the advertising mascot was a delivery boy named Dougie, with boyish good looks who, upon delivering pizza to his father, would hear the catchphrase Heres a tip: be good to your mother. Adding to the impact of these advertisements, the role of Dougie was played by famous Australian soap opera and police drama actor Diarmid Heidenreich. Pizza Hut sponsored the 1989 film Back to the Future Part II, and offered a free pair of futuristic sunglasses, known as Solar Shades, with the purchase of Pizza Hut pizza. Pizza Hut also engaged in product placement within the film itself, having a futuristic version of their logo with their trademarked red hut printed on the side of a mylardehydrated pizza wrapper in the McFly family dinner scene, and appear on a storefront inHill Valley in the year 2015. [15] The 1990 NES game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game, came with a coupon for a free pizza. The game was filled with Pizza Hut advertising (the first ever console video game with product placement) and pizza that would refill the characters life. In 1994, Donald Trump and ex-wife Ivana Trump starred in a commercial. The ending of the commercial showed Ivana Trump asking for the last slice, to which Donald replied, Actually dear, youre only entitled to half, a play on the couples recent divorce. In 1995, Ringo Starr starred in a Pizza Hut commercial which also featured The Monkees. Rush Limbaugh also starred in a Pizza Hut commercial the same year, where he boasts that nobody is more right than me, yet he states that for the first time he will do something wrong, which was to participate in Pizza Huts then eating pizza crust first campaign regarding their stuffed crust pizzas. Talk show host Jonathan Ross, co-starred in an ad with American model, Caprice Bourret. They were used to advertise the stuffed crust pizza, with Jonathan Ross saying Stuffed Cwust, to which is a play on Jonathans pronunciation of Rs. Another UK ad shows British Formula One driver Damon Hill visit a Pizza Hut restaurant and order a pizza, with famous F1 commentator Murray Walker visiting with him, and narrating as though it was a Formula One race. As Hill is about to finish his meal, Walker, in a play on Hills 1994 1995 seasons where he was runner up in the Formula One World Championship both won by Michael Schumacher, shouts And Hill finishes second, again! at which Hill grabs Walker by his shirt and shakes him angrily, Walker proclaiming, in his usual tones, Hes lost it! Hes out of control! Following Englands defeat to Germany on penalties in the semi-finals of Euro 96, Gareth Southgate, Stuart Pearce and Chris Waddle featured in an advert. The advert shows Southgate wearing a paper bag over his head in shame as he was the one, who missed the crucial penalty against the Germans. Waddle and Pearce, who both missed penalty kicks in Italia 90 are ridiculing him, emphasising the word miss at every opportunity. After Southgate finishes his pizza he takes off his paper bag, heads for the door and bangs his head against the wall. Pearce responds with, this time hes hit the post. In 1997, former Soviet Union Premier Mikhail Gorbachev starred in a Pizza Hut commercial to raise money for the Perestroyka Archives. In recent years, Pizza Hut has had various celebrity spokespeople, including Jessica Simpson, the Muppets, andDamon Hill and Murray Walker. Recent commercials have Queen Latifah providing the voiceover. Also in 1997, Pizza Hut, reunited greatest of all time boxer Muhammad Ali with trainer Angelo Dundee in a sentimental made for Super Bowlcommercial. In 1999, the game Crazy Taxi for Sega Dreamcast featured Pizza Hut as one of the locations that players were able to drive to and drop off customers. However, in the 2010 re-release of the game for Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, all of the product placement, including the Pizza Hut locations were removed. [16] Pizza Hut paid for their logo to appear on a Russian Proton rocket in 2000, which launched the Russian Zvezda module. [17] January 2003 saw Pizza Huts Adverts Slogan Called Eat. Laugh. Share. the Commercials are Created By Head Gear Animationas of January 2007 the New Commercial we called The 4 For All At The End of the Excitement Commercial. Hew Open and Closes the Pizza Hut Box to reveal an Underwater while saying ? Se puede tener un Pizza Pan The Subtitles with the words Can you Have a Pan Pizza in it Early 2007 saw Pizza Hut move into several more interactive ways of marketing to the consumer. Utilizing mobile phone SMS technology and their MyHut ordering site, they aired several television commercials (commencing just before the Super Bowl) containing hidden words that viewers could type into their phones to receive coupons. Other innovative efforts included their MySpace Ted campaign, which took advantage of the popularity of social networking, and the burgeoning user-submission marketing movement via their Vice President of Pizza contest. As of October 2009, Pizza Hut is advertising its WingStreet brand on a nationwide basis, having met its internal requirement of 80% of stores having the product available. Team jobs ? Team Member Jobs ? Server Jobs ? Delivery Driver Jobs ? Call Center Customer Representative Pizza Hut is committed to breakthrough innovation and the success of our employees. From our world class operations to our passionate customer mania philosophy and an incredible franchise system, this is one great place to work! So come see what its like to be with a global leader in the restaurant industry. Youll find a fun, fast paced and supportive culture, where all of our success comes from our belief in people, and investing in you is our top priority. Working at Pizza Hut is about making hungry people happy. It’s about being independent and having fun, making new friends and earning extra cash. As a Pizza Hut team member, you can be the smiling face that greets and serves the customers or a cook who make things happen in the kitchen. Working with us will give you the financial rewards and flexibility to suit your lifestyle. You’ll experience new things, get recognized for your efforts and learn skills that last a lifetime. Management Jobs ? Restaurant General Manager Jobs ? Assistant General Manager Jobs ? Shift Manager Jobs Pizza Hut is committed to breakthrough innovation and the success of our employees. From our world class operations to our passionate customer mania philosophy and an incredible franchise system, this is one great place to work! So come see what its like to be with a global leader in the restaurant industry. Youll find a fun, fast paced and supportive culture, where all of our success comes from our belief in people, and investing in you is our top priority. To eat. To laugh. To share. That’s why people come to Pizza Hut. It’s the calling of our Restaurant General Managers to make them feel like family with smiles, teamwork and dedication. If you’re an experienced restaurant or retail manager, think about a career with Pizza Hut. You know who you are a natural leader, you love putting together a winning team. You’re all about teaching new things and motivating the team to work together. At Pizza Hut, you can do all that – and more. Here, you will work with experienced, fun people and you can expect training and growth, plenty of excitement, unique challenges and a world of opportunity. Youre it. A BIG part of why were the team thats famous for a reason. As a Pizza Hut Manager, youll take the lead on shifts and ensure everything we do exceeds our customers expectations. Youll ensure everyone provides great customer service, and youll help out preparing and serving our freshly prepared products. YOU will be responsible for managing shifts and share responsibility for customer satisfaction, profit, sales and employee performance goals. You will be part of a lively, friendly culture and youll receive exceptional management training while still having the flexibility to do the things you enjoy outside of work. Discover more about working with us, and learn about the great benefits and qualifications we offer. Have a look at our handy tips on writing an award winning CV and mastering that job interview. Look around our site, get a feel for what its all about, and apply for a career as a Pizza Hut Manager today. The Job Our two managerial positions work together. Restaurant General Manager Youll manage the smooth operation of your Pizza Hut, and take the lead in achieving customer satisfaction, profit, sales and employee performance goals. Youll be a role model to your Shift Managers and Team Members motivating them and rewarding them and getting them to work together as one, big happy team. Youre in charge, and your decisions will directly impact the success of our business. Shift Manager As the right hand person to the Manager, youll assist in managing the smooth operation of the restaurant and share responsibility for achieving customer, profit, sales and employee performance goals. Youll be working closely with the Team Members and you will be responsible for leading them to ensure they all work together as one, big, happy team. Youll allocate shift duties, ensure everyone follows all safety procedures and assist with the development and training of the team. As someone your team can look up to, youll provide them with coaching and support and champion our ‘How We Win Together principles. What we look for We have developed a great culture at Pizza Hut and we look for people who can guarantee we stay the team thats famous for a reason. Youre the lively and approachable type able to get along and communicate easily with people at all levels. Youre never short of a smile, you cope well under pressure, you thrive on a challenge and take exceptional pride in your appearance. We dont necessarily look for someone with Management experience well provide all the training you need, but we do want you to show some great leadership qualities. You need to be good with people, value customer service and product quality and enjoy the challenge of driving results. You value teamwork above all, because you know thats the best way to drive results. The Job As a Pizza Hut team member working in store, youll become a vital part of the team thats famous for a reason. There are two main roles, and youll be likely trained in both Customer Service Youre the smiling face of Pizza Hut that serves our customers. You need to be Friendly with a great smile Enjoy interacting with customers Confident with handling cash Food Preparation Youre behind the scenes preparing of our great products. Youll be responsible for Making great tasting products Food preparation Food safety Having fun with some great people! What we look for Besides being a team player who enjoys working in a fast paced environment, there are other things that will help you in being a successful member of the Pizza Hut team. You will need to take pride in your appearance, have loads of energy, be on time, be organised and willing to help keep our Pizza Hut stores clean and tidy. You also always keep in mind our work standards around cleanliness, hospitality, product and speed of service. Our customers are important to us, and well give you all the training you need to provide them with the great service and products theyve come to expect from the team thats famous for a reason. We believe in our people, and we know that YOU will get a lot out of working with US. The Benefits Flexibility -Flexible hours mean you dont have to put your life on hold. That way we make work a great experience too. Fun Friends Making new friends and having fun is just something we do. Life Skills Youll get a taste of the ‘real world and learn new ways to cope and get on in a supportive and friendly environment. Making Your Mark You will have the opportunity to make as much of your career as you want. Some of our Store Managers have even gone on to become franchisees owning their own Pizza Hut store. Work Life Balance -Flexibility is the key to our culture. At Pizza Hut we work to live. Discounts As a Pizza Hut employee, you will receive discounts on various Pizza Hut products. Reward Recognition This is a big part of our Pizza Hut culture, and you will see that we find plenty of reasons to celebrate achievement. For Managers, we know your work needs to be challenging, rewarding and it needs to lead somewhere. We recognise individual contribution and reward accordingly. And, we offer exceptional training and qualifications to help you achieve the career you want. Your Training Well train you up, so that youve got the skills and confidence to do a great job. Youll also discover many advancement opportunities along the way. Well always encourage you to continually learn and develop new skills abilities that could soon take you to a management position. For Managers, the training and skills acquired through Pizza Hut will be a great benefit to you now and in the future. We offer exceptional management training as you progress through the management ranks. You can also complete a Food Safety Supervisor certificate and, depending on your level of ambition and experience, traineeships may be available which offer structured training leading to a Nationally Recognised Qualification. There are a couple of qualifications available for managers: Certificate III Retail Supervision For those aspiring to become a Shift Manager Certificate IV Retail Management For up and coming Store Managers Q. What career opportunities are available at Pizza Hut? You can work in customer service, food preparation, or as a delivery driver or call centre operator (Brisbane only). You will receive on-the-job training and cross-training if you are interested in progressing your career. You could also be given the opportunity to complete a Retail Traineeship leading to a Nationally Recognised Qualification. Your Manager will be able to provide further information. Q. What happens if I cant make a shift? You should contact your Store Manager as soon as possible to let your team know you cant make the shift. Q. What hours will I work? Depending on the role, the number of hours that an employee works will vary. A full-time employee will work a minimum of 38 hours per week, whereas a part-time employee will work the hours they are contracted to work. For casual employees there is no guarantee of hours, so the hours can vary according to business demand from 0-38 hours per week.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Current State Of Ethics In Business Commerce Essay

Current State Of Ethics In Business Commerce Essay The pace, scale and complexity of modern business has forced a change in how business is done. While it is accepted that it is foolish to do business with someone who is not trustworthy, the question arises whether you can trust those who are not ethical in all of their behaviour. Short timelines, tight supply chains and narrowing margins mean that chances cannot be taken that suppliers or customers will not honour their contracts as expected. Suppliers and customers are now becoming partners and stakeholders in business, and relationships with them are becoming more and more underpinned by trust. Trust is built on expectations of truth in words and consistency in behaviour. It is impossible to do profitable business with someone who says one thing one day and does something different the next. Ethical leadership is vital in business today. It is the backbone to any long lasting successful company in todays business market. It is important for companies to clearly layout their stance on ethical leadership to employees and the public, to have members of the company lead by example, and to reinforce the ethical leadership concept through out the year. By following these steps, the company will sustain or acquire ethical leadership in their companys culture. Although business accepted ethics slightly change through out the years, everyone should know if an action is ethical or unethical before they take an action. The importance of companies clearly defining their stance on ethical behavior will let individuals know how making an unethical decision will impact them, their fellow workers, and the company as a whole. On the other hand members of the company will also know how making an ethical decision will have a positive impact. Once a clear ethical leadership stance is taken, rewarding or punishing ethical or unethical actions should strictly uphold the rules. There should be an unbiased group to facilitate this activity, for example a Human Resources Department. Every employee, from the CEO to the mailroom clerk, should practice ethical leadership. Every member and every group can and should exhibit ethical leadership. This concept should not just be thought of as a manager to his report. Ethical leadership can happen in unexpected situations, for example where a CFO of a company asks the mailroom clerk to do an unethical act and the mailroom clerk refuses the CFOs request. The clerk refused based on the companys stance on ethical behavior. In this example, the clerk presented ethical leadership, but was in no way in a leadership role. The clerk would also feel safe taking this stance because he believes in his companies set rules on ethical leadership. He will not be negatively impacted due to the fact that he can contact his unbiased Human Resources department with issues of this nature, on top of the fact that he maybe rewarded for taking this ethical stance. Reinforcing the ethical leadership concept through out the year is also important for businesses. Not only reinforcing, but also reinforcing with meaning and showing the value of ethical leadership. Making positive examples of employees through rewards, have mandatory yearly training (make it fun), send positive ethical leadership examples out as part of company newsletter, ensure that unethical behavior is dealt with in an ethical way, restate companys stance during large meetings, make ethical leadership apart of each employees personal evaluation each year (make them give examples) and have ethical workshops. All of these examples will ensure that every employee knows the companys stance on ethical leadership through reinforcement. The over all concept of ethical leadership is that it is as important as making a profit in the business world. Profit and ethical leadership should be top priorities for any company that plans to have a long lasting existence. Ethics in itself can become a very pliable term with many grey areas, so focusing on specific ethics may prove futile. However, focusing on doing the right thing along with the reinforcement of ethical leadership may be the answer. Baking ethical leadership into a companys culture is key. Ethical leadership holds a positive outlook with great potential in the current business environment is the improvement that we have seen in ethical issues over the relatively recent years. As we all know accepted ethical behaviors have slightly changed over the years and will continue to do so. Ethical leadership along with the help from laws has driven the implementation of the halt or reduction of racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual discrimination. It is believe that accepted ethics have made great leaps and ethical leadership is one of the driving tools to solidify these concepts. Recent huge companies like Enron and World Com have made great examples of the importance of ethical leadership. It is said that the CEO of Enron, who was just sentenced to many years in prison, had the saying that nothing else matters besides profit. This is apparently not the best way to lead a long-term successful company. The fall of companies that disregard ethical leadership cost all Americans, the companys employees, and share holders billions of dollars. Based on this fact, the health of economies depends on companies to lead with strong ethics. One positive aspect that these unethical companies did do for America is to drive home the absolute importance of ethical leadership in business. Due to the unethical acts of these huge companies, everyone has taken notice. Many colleges are driving ethics harder then they ever have, the media attention has been enormous, and US companies are really sticking to ethical leadership programs better now than in the past. Recent changes in the business environment have deeply affected businesses and ethics consultancies that are concerned that the word ethics, in a business context, has lost its original meaning. They consider ethics to be unregulated behavior as well as regulated and talk about what is ought to be done as well as what we is compelled to be done. Not only would an ethical person not break the law or flout a regulation, but he/she also would think hard about doing something perfectly legal that gave the person ethical concerns. The ethics industry, now called the ethics and compliance industry, dwells almost entirely on issues of law and regulation. It is thought that ethics, as an important business tool, has been sidelined. The ethics industry emerged in the 1970s with defense scandals that resulted in the Defense Industry Initiative, a self-regulatory body of defense contractors. It really launched in 1991 with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations, which helped judges to determine consequences for corporate misbehavior and, critically, identified seven steps that businesses could take to mitigate those consequences. The suggested steps included a code of ethics or conduct, training in the code, and a high-ranking person to oversee the program Many of the early providers were academics and nonprofits, like IGE, who believed that it was possible to guide corporate behavior through improved corporate decision-making. The waves of scandal that culminated in the 2008 financial tsunami have all but erased our formal ethics beginnings in business. A backwash of regulation, prompted by an outraged public, followed each wave. Companies, ethical and otherwise, are drowning in rules, expensive rules and regulations that make global competition difficult. Good companies are still doing the right things, but the focus has shifted from thinking ethically to complying with myriad regulations. In other cases, a whole new workaround ethic focuses on ways to skirt the rules. Following the recession, companies are demanding that people make their numbers while still following the rules, which even ethics professionals see as difficult. Professionals who used to direct their employers ethics programs are disappearing, replaced by legal professionals with specific expertise in bribery and corruption, export controls, insider trading, money laundering, and other topics of special interest. Were unhappy with the retrogressive sea change, but our respondents found some treasure silver lining, perhaps washed up on the beach. Anticorruption has a surprising ally, social networking, which has become a global phenomenon. Although the United States has a new portfolio of laws governing business (especially financial business) called the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which encourages whistle-blowers with offers of cash bounties and protection, social networking already has leapt far beyond. It is almost impossible to escape the reach of texting, tweeting, YouTube, and Facebook. Employees, customers and suppliers stay connected and theres really no place to hide when people take pictures and movies with their smart phones and make their observations public on the Internet. Although staff departments responsible for ethics have experienced cutbacks in funding, they are now working more closely with other departments that help to manage their companys risk. Its common to find close cooperation among ethics and compliance, internal audit, security, health, safety and environment, legal, and human resources. The benefit is that companies are likely to spot and avert misbehavior more quickly. Additionally, ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) now work more closely because their intentions are similar making the corporation a responsible citizen through attention to environmental and human rights issues. There is also exposure to legal penalties. Companies involved in international trade have to represent their products to potential or current clients based on their expected inputs by the suppliers. Â  A company that is involved in illegal activities, or that knowingly falsifies information on inputs supplied can create serious problems for its business partners. Â  A company with a good reputation and solid brands has much to lose, and should not take chances with its brand value. Another issue challenging the practice of good business ethics is the values, which employees bring to the work environment. Much has been said over the years about the deterioration of employees work ethics. The impact of poor work ethics results in low productivity owed to high levels of absenteeism, tardiness, theft and acceptance of bribe taking. A company that wishes to be efficient and competitive in the future cannot accept this state of affairs. There is a strong business case for the introduction of structured programs to support ethical behaviour in companies, size notwithstanding. These programs should be more than a mere encouragement to be honest, and should be based on clearly articulated values that are linked to the overall vision and mission of the company. The Manual of Business Ethics for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises prepared by the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) and the US Department of Commerce describes the following benefits among others: Enhanced Reputation and Goodwill: A reputation for integrity is important for securing the loyalty of customers, for recruiting and training the best staff, for winning community acceptance and accessing bank and supplier credit. Risk reduction: The process of developing a business ethics program involves the company in identifying and assessing the factors that could pose risks to reputation and financial performance, and developing and implementing the business processes that reduce those risks. Reduced costs: Providing employees with clear guidelines of how to conduct day to day business such as where and when to obtain quotations; how to carry out tenders; how to conclude contracts and how to avoid conflicts of interest can reduce transaction costs and improve the supply chain function. Protection from Unethical Employees: A program would include clear guidance in respect of the misappropriation and unauthorised use of company resources, and the consequences that could flow from violations, information that employees with undeveloped values may not fully appreciate. Recommendations for efforts that build ethical cultures without increasing expenses are as follows: Improve communication practices. Ethics programs are usually well constructed, but poorly disseminated. Require middle managers to train their direct reports and keep the message alive with ethics meetings. Employees often dont know or recognize the CEO and merely tolerate E-learning, but they actually pay attention to their managers. Encourage government to recognize and reward the value of ethics and compliance programs. Focus on corporate culture. Perhaps more emphasis on culture will galvanize corporate intentions and resources toward long-term corporate health in addition to dealing with the emergency of the moment. Operating according to values, accentuating the positives, telling the stories, and removing the negatives would empower good employees and managers and boost productivity. People actually like to work when the culture is right. Ever hopeful, we expect corporate ethics to rebound with serious attention paid to aligning individuals within positive values-driven cultures. It wont happen until the recession fades and businesses start spending the cash theyve hoarded for the last several years to acquire the human and intellectual resources needed to make it happen.